Division: Natural Science and Math
Department: Mathematics
Course: MATH 0700
Title: Pre-Algebra
Description: Pre-Algebra students will strengthen their skills related to calculations and applications involving whole numbers, integers, fractions, decimals, and percentages. Additional topics include order of operations, algebraic expressions, solutions of equations, ratios, proportions, perimeter, and area.
Math 0700 is part of the developmental math sequence at Snow College and is designed to prepare students for more rigorous college-level math courses.
Section | CRN | Schedule | Instructor |
0700-N02 | 2994 | Taught Online | Roberts, Rebecca A. |
0700-N01 | 2993 | Taught Online | Alder, Cindy A. |
0700-001 | 1387 | MTTHF9:30 am-10:20 am | Hill, Diane S. |
0700-002 | 1389 | MTWTH11:30 am-12:20 pm | Rasmussen, Tawnya |
0700-003 | 1388 | MTWTH12:30 pm-1:20 pm | Rasmussen, Tawnya |
Section | CRN | Schedule | Instructor |
0700-N01 | 5413 | Taught Online | Alder, Cindy A. |
0700-N02 | 5933 | Taught Online | Alder, Cindy A. |
0700-001 | 4910 | MTTHF11:30 am-12:20 pm | Hill, Diane S. |
0700-002 | 4911 | MTWTH1:30 pm-2:20 pm | Rasmussen, Tawnya |
0700-003 | 4912 | MTWTH12:30 pm-1:20 pm | Rasmussen, Tawnya |
0700-004 | 4913 | MTWTH8:30 am-9:20 am | Lee, Liz |
0700-005 | 4914 | MTWF2:30 pm-3:20 pm | Kilker, Nathan P. |
0700-006 | 5129 | MTWF9:30 am-10:20 am | Kilker, Nathan P. |
0700-200 | 6084 | MTWTH9:30 am-10:20 am | Mortensen, Wildee T. |